Sunday, November 29, 2009
10 Weeks
Visit to Grandpa Johns
Pouring the powder into the funnel put it across this vibrating water board which seperated the gold from the rest of the debris. You can see the red sand being sifted in the picture. We didn't get any more pictures but when it was all said and done grandpa gave us some gold dust that was mined out of the rocks. We had a great time at grandpa's place checking out his granden and playing with the animals. Bert took special attention to Alexis and kept rubbing his head on her legs. Perhaps its because she is pregnant?
This crazy cow kept sticking its tounge out and was making us laugh.
PS. Greg was checking out Grandpa's grapes and grabbed the fence and was shocked. Even Grandpa laughed at that one. After we left we decided that if we had a boy we would name him after Grandpa. (Lincoln John Thompson)
Thanksgiving in Arizona

We had a great time in Queen Creek Arizona with family and friends. We got there Saturday evening and Mama C made us some chicken enchiladas for dinner. We stayed in a bed in an extra room at the Corbitts place. Alexis had traffic school and Greg visited the Hemstreets. Thanksgiving was amazing with the awesome food. The whole week went by way to fast and the ride home was a mess.
The road just south of Panguitch was really slick and the snow was coming down. We lost control going forty down a hill and flew off into sixty foot ditch. We we rattled a little bit with no major injuries. The car has some major rear end body work that needs to be done and the passanger front tire was torn off of the wheel but we were able to get that to reseal. We filled it up and I did some test drives and felt it was the best thing to do is drive it. Jay came and arrived right after I test drove the car and escorted us back to Nephi. He was such a stud to spend almost 7 hours driving for us. We crashed at his house and finished our journey home sunday morning. The car ran like normal but just looks bad.
This is where they pulled the car up with the tow truck. It took over 2 hours by the time this had happened but we were grateful. The highway patrol let us sit in his car while we waited. Everyone was super cool and one emt gave us his number and offered to stay at his place for the night if we needed to. Needless to say it made for an expensive trip but we are so grateful that we didn't get majorly hurt and that the car was able to drive back to Idaho. We love our purple beast and it takes good care of us (maybe we should take better care of it.)