Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Things are going really well! Greg started school last week and he is pretty busy. He has a lot of time consuming classes this year! He is really smart so I know he will do well. Vella is getting big! It's incredible how fast she grows. She is so cute and so sweet! She is making a lot more noise and she is starting to reach for things. It's nice because she can keep herself entertained for longer periods of time so I am able to get more things accomplished. To those of you who don't know I figured out why Vella was so fussy. She is allergic to dairy! When she was 2 weeks old she would cry almost all day and all night and hardly ever sleep and lasted until she was about 9 weeks. I prayed for her all of the time that she would not be in pain and that I would be able to figure out how to help her. One morning I felt strongly impressed that it was dairy that was bothering her. So I stopped consuming dairy products and she became much happier! A few days later I wanted to be sure it was dairy so I ate soup that had milk in it and the whole night she was screaming again. It's rather hard to truly enjoy a baby who cries all the time. She has been so much easier and fun, and I have really been able to enjoy her. It's been hard for me to not eat cheese especially and a lot of foods have milk in it so i have to be careful, but she is so happy and it is totally worth it! Also, since I stopped consuming dairy she stopped projectile vomiting.
Lately she has been fighting falling asleep because she is so interested in things. It's pretty cute. She smiles a lot more now and I love it SO much!!! She won't smile for the camera though and it kinda bums me out. Everytime I get out the camera to take a picture she gets this serious look on her face, and won't smile for anything. She does this super cute pouty face when she is tired or upset and I love it so much. Am I a bad mom for loving that? It's just so darn cute. She sticks out her bottom lip and it's awesome.

She was smiling and I whipped out the camera really fast to try to catch it. It sort of worked.

This is the serious face she gets when I pull out the camera.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Oh, I am tired.

You know those wonderful day time escapes called naps? Well, I am really bad at them.
Meaning, I lay in bed thinking of other things I could be doing other than actually sleeping.
Sometimes, though, I am lucky and my eyes close for twenty minutes or so before Vella wakes up and wants to eat.
If you have the blessed talent to nap whenever you please, take a nap for me.
Because man, I need one.

Oh, and I found this picture and I thought it was cute. I knew I was going to marry Greg the day I met him.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Baby Vella

Vella found her hands and she sucks on her fists all of the time!

Chugy and Vella are friends!

This is Carmen holding Vella. It was so sweet!!

This is Vella in her blessing dress.

This is Vella getting tummy time. She hates it so much. She cries everytime she is put on her tummy!

Sunday, August 1, 2010


We went to park city. Went by to fast. I stole the family group shot from Emily.