Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Have you ever felt like blogging, but didn't know what to blog about so you don't do it? Well, I haven't...until now. I suppose I will give you all a little update. The singles ward we were going to was dissolved! The Bishopric of the wards that were dissolved were released, so we are back in the home ward. I was enjoying being in the singles ward, but the family ward is a good change. Vella can be pretty loud, and it is nice that she doesn't stick out as much in sacrament meeting, haha. She is growing so quickly! She is getting two more teeth in and she has been pretty fussy because of it., which means long nights for both of us. She will have eight teeth! She pulls herself up and tries to climb on or over everything! She is finally crawling the right way. She used to army crawl using one leg only. It was pretty funny :) She will stand by herself for a little bit, but she doesn't like to because she would rather explore! She will snuggle a little more now. She will lay her head on my chest for a few seconds, and I just suck it up! I mean, five seconds sounds like nothing, but it is much better than having her push me away.
There is only a few more weeks of school left. Greg has a lot of studying to do! I really admire Greg. He does well school, goes to work, and is a great daddy and husband. Oh, and he does well in his callings. When he was the ward clerk he was in church ALL day on Sunday along with other meetings during the week. He served faithfully, no matter how many other things he had to do. He is amazing!! oh, and he is really really ridiculously good looking :)
Well, V is ready for bed, so I will be done with this post.


  1. He may be good looking, but his tummy can't do THAT. those vids are cool.

  2. Thanks! This baby is a LOT more wiggly than V, and it is a lot of fun.
