Monday, July 30, 2012

Gender Prediction Shenanigans

Lots of people have asked me what I think I am having. I had a dream about having a baby girl before I got pregnant with Vella and I also had a dream about having a boy before I got pregnant with Mattix. I didn't have a dream before this one, but my sister did. It was pretty funny...she called me a couple of weeks before I found out I was pregnant and told me she had a dream my daughter was just starting to talk. I was like oh that's funny, what was Vella like in your dream? She told me it wasn't Vella, but another one of my children and a few weeks later I found out I was pregnant!!
Old Wives Tales about Gender Prediction

If the heartbeat is over 140 then it’s a girl, if it’s under 140 it’s a boy.
The heartbeat has always been over 140. My last appointment it was 147 or something like that. Girl

If the baby’s dad is gaining weight with the mom, then it’s a girl.
Dad's not gaining weight with me. Boy

If the mother craves sweets, it’s a girl, if she craves sour things, it’s a boy. 
This pregnancy I have been craving super spicy Mexican food and California Rolls. I also craved lots of sweets in the beginning which is not like me, so I am going to say Girl

If you are severely sick you are having a boy...but also if you are sick in the morning it is a boy or sick at night it is a girl.
I was pretty sick in the 1st trimester. Still get nauseated and it's usually in the evenings. Since I was so sick in the beginning I'll say Boy

If you have acne then you are having a girl.
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!! Like crazy. I broke out really badly when I was pregnant with V, but not so much with Mattix. I always break out on my back when I get pregnant and I have never had zits on my back before that, so it is really annoying and weird. Yes, I have acne like mad. Luckily Emily sent me Proactive for my birthday and that is helping. Girl

If the baby is carrying low- it’s a boy, high- it’s a girl.
 It's hard to say because I am not that far along. With Mattix most of the weight I gained went to the front of my tummy. With V I gained lots of weight and mega love handles. I have been putting on weight on my sides this pregnancy. I'd say Girl

When holding a pendant over your belly if it swings back and forth it is a boy, if it is more circular than it is a girl. Circle Girl

According to and their "Old Wive's Tales Gender Prediction Method.....

According to the Chinese Gender Chart.

What do you guys think?


  1. you craved lemons and tomatoes when you were preggo with V. Plus you always seem to be more sick at night now...

  2. I was always way sicker with my girls. I think everyone has their predictions. That was a fun post to read. Either way, you'll have a really cute baby. :)
