Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Grocery Shopping Adventures

 This little girl said a few funny things today and I want to write them down.  Mattix is sick so I needed to get some medicine from the grocery store. I usually go grocery shopping with Greg because my kids are busy and young and it's hard to shop by myself. I'm just kind of wimpy in that aspect. Greg left at 730 this morning and won't be back home until around one tomorrow morning. I usually have some interesting stories after going grocery shopping with my kids and I don't want to forget this trip! 
 While we were shopping Brynn got a little fussy. V stood up in the cart, lifted up her shirt and shouted," Mom! The baby needs milk from here! Hurry!" Of course we were in the middle of quite a few people. Most people didn't seem to notice or care, but I did get a couple disapproving looks. 

 A few minutes later someone asked me if  ALL those kids were mine. I replied "Why yes! They sure are". She said a few things under her breath before saying that I was a baby myself. V then said, "No! Mom not a baby. She is 17!"  I laughed, said they kept me on my toes, and walked away.

 By the time we were ready to check out my kids were loud and ready to be done shopping. The guy behind us in line was pretty annoyed. V sees the razors and asks, "what's that?" I told her they were razors and she asked what they did. I told her they cut hair and she said,"Oh ya! What you use to cut da hair on your ga-gina!"  I could have died. I didn't even look at the guy behind me after that. What a day.
 Brynn has diarrhea and while I was changing her diaper v told me there were pickles. I asked her who had pickles and she toldme brynn did in her diaper. 

 I could keep going but my kids want to go to bed. Ha! Them being tired is one positive thing that can happen when they are sick ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Ahh ha ha. Your kids are awesome! Making such good memories! And I think it is crazy that people would ask you that. why can't people just keep their dumb comments to themselves?
