Tuesday, April 12, 2011

No wonder health care is so much

I have a lump on the lateral side of my knee right where the head of my fibula is. I went to Pocatello Orthopaedic & Sports to get it checked out because of the pain I was feeling plus the size and texture of the bump. I call an make an appointment. I ask how much they tell me well do you have insurance. I say ya they say it will be $50 or co-pay. I go and the doctor looks at my knee and before saying anything tells me "That is normal, did you not know that? That is a normal bump." I seriously thought she was being funny so I said, "Oh, well that is good, I guess I will go now." Then I realized she was being serious and I said, well I think I wouldn't have come feeling this pain. She then tells me that sometimes when you get hurt you realize things about yourself that were always there because of the pain. I never hurt hit it on anything and it just became inflamed and hurt. She assumed I had hit it and came in. Then she tells me that the body will reabsorb whatever it is that is causing the swelling and that it will go away. So I think cool. Then as she is leaving she is like well "Lets do an x ray" then she leaves. So I think to myself. Does she think that it will heal itself or does she think that I need an x ray? I dont want an x ray unless she thinks I need one but I have no idea what she is really thinking because she didn't even talk to me she just gave me a wam bam thank you mam diagnosis. I then go get an x ray and she comes in and tells me that it is not bone (DUH it is squishy) and that if it doesnt go away in 6 months to a year that I should come back. She says it probably is just my IT band swelling up. Well there goes $300 dollars to find out what I already know. So I figure well I will go look up the IT band and see if I can do anything to help. What... the IT band means Iliotibial band??? So it connects from my ilium to my tibia? It doesn't even connect to my fibula or go where my lump is. This lady is nuts. Stupid P.A. that thinks she knows everything and overcharges you for nothing. I hate crooked people and love people of integrity. She just amps me up to be a better person and be the kind of person I would want to deal with.

Not to mention that a lady comes up to me afterwards saying I am not on the insurance I said I was and that I need to pay the $300 before I can leave. I was like $300, I was told co-pay or $50. I told her I asked twice how much you charge and never was given a straight answer. Then she finally called the insurance company after I called my father and she heard how confident he was when he said I was on the plan. They still charged me the $50 and said the rest would be on the bill. The co-pay is $0... that didn't make sense to me.

Why can't they be straight up about their prices? Why can't they admit they don't know what is wrong with my knee? Why do they tell me to be there at 12:30 and not see me until 1:15 then make me wait in the office so I don't leave their place until 2:30? I really really really wish I would not have gone. My knee feels the same and I know nothing more then I did know other then not to ever go there again.

I can't handle all these things happening to us. It is stressing me out! I need to learn how to cope with this stuff just thinking about it is making my head spin.

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